Places to visit
Villa 121 is located at the border of Scheldeland and Waasland. Ideal for a relaxing walk or bicycle ride between creeks, scenic polders and nature parks or a visit to its charming villages.
Villa 121 is the perfect starting point to explore Flanders and Brussels. You can reach the cities of Bruges, Ghent and Brussels in less than an hour.

The lake Donkmeer is very well known in Flanders and is the main touristic feature of Berlare.
Its surroundings offer a magnificent piece of nature that each motivated hiker or cyclist will want to explore.
There are several other activities: sail yourself with a boat on the lake, take a ferry to the Duck Cage. It’s the perfect spot for fishermen and from April to September, there is a market each Sunday afternoon.
Around the Donkmeer you will find many bars and restaurants. Eels are the local speciality.

Lokeren offers a lot of activities. You can submerge yourself in nature our relive history visiting its many monuments or the City Museum.
At walking distance from the railway station and the city centre you can find the European Nature Reserve Molsbroek.
Sports enthusiasts can visit the football stadium or play a game of City Golf. And why not go for a ride in a covered wagon.
The first week of August are the Lokerse Feesten and the Fonnefeesten, a real must for all music lovers.

Domain Puyenbroeck
Domain Puyenbroeck is a Provincial Domain of 510 hectares.
There is a large playground, sunbathing areas, a flower park of 23 ha, un play forest of 10 ha, a traffic safety park where children can ride go-karts. There is also a zoo. A tourist train takes you around the park and you can hire bicycles or carts and canoes and water bikes.
The domain disposes of 150 hectares of forest. There is a permanent breeding spot for birds and an ice house has been converted to a hibernation place for bats.
Ghent is a sparkling city. It has a very rich history that can be found in all corners of the city centre. Come and adore the marvellous façades, buildings and plazas. And above all, visit the many museums! For the main part, the city centre is pedestrian zone and therefore very welcoming. You can take a boat trip to explore the city in a different and fascinating way. Discover the Gentse Feesten that take place in the second half of July, the Jazz Festival in July, Odegand in September, the Light Festival end of January and the Floralies end of April.

Antwerp is a very popular destination.
The historic city centre, from the 16th and 17th Century, offers besides its many shops and restaurants also several museums and more than a thousand monuments. The Central Railway Station (proclaimed the most beautiful in Europe) with the adjacent Antwerp Zoo to the St. Elisabeth Hospital, but also the Town Hall at the Grote Markt are definitely worth a visit.
Antwerp is the city of the baroque painter Rubens, of couture houses and lots of jewelleries (mainly Jewish).
De Middeleeuwse stad Brugge behoort tot de meest bezochte plaatsen in België. De historische stad heeft veel cultureel erfgoed waardoor toeristen uit zowel binnen- als buitenland de stad massaal bezoeken. Niet voor niets dat de historische binnenstad van Brugge in zijn geheel op de Werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO staat. Wie het centrum van Brugge bezoekt zal opvallen dat de binnenstad haar uitstraling voor een zeer groot deel heeft weten te behouden. De moderne tijd is hier op een mooie manier samengevloeid met de oude gebouwen, straten en pleinen. Brugge is echter meer dan alleen een verzameling mooie gebouwen, pleinen en straten. Het is bovenal een stad waar het Bourgondische leven nog steeds een belangrijke plaats inneemt. Zoals het een goed Bourgondiër betaamd kun je in Brugge volop genieten van heerlijke spijzen en dranken. Voor liefhebbers van chocolade is Brugge helemaal een walhalla. Je kunt hier heerlijke chocoladeproducten kopen van meer dan vijftig lokale chocolatiers!